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An AI Implementation Roadmap for Companies

'Mastery of our Digital World'

For companies and individuals looking to navigate the growing landscape of AI and Machine Learning applications, this presentation outlines an approach to developing a living AI-Roadmap, and offers a methodology for sustainable innovation and high-engagement across the entire organization.

Through “Mastery of the Digital World” we responsibly harnesses Generative AI as a collaborative partner, and Machine Learning as a tool, to enhance and augment unique human intelligence, creativity, and capability to better serve our customers, employees and shareholders.

-Bill Theurer

With extensive experience in implementing human-centric technologies, leading large-scale programs, and running innovative pilot projects, I offer a vision for how digitally enabled organizations and individuals - can achieve 'Mastery of our Digital World.

I see this as a long-term journey. A wave of disruptive-innovation is already shaping this decade, pushing us into a digitally enabled future that will change how we live and work.

With continuous, all-company engagement, we cultivate a culture of digital enablement and disruptive innovation. With an ‘Agile’ approach to POC tests and project implementations we consistently advance enterprise capabilities by amplifying human potential and driving forward-thinking solutions.

Significant workplace transformations are happening right now. Digitally enabled companies and individuals are seeing remarkable improvements in capability, productivity, creativity, and decision-making - advancements that were unimaginable just a few years ago.  We have arrived at a point where mastering our digital world, is essential for both organizations and individuals.

If this approach resonates with your organization, reach out to me here on Substack, on Linkedin, or through the business website Centrificus, Inc.

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For those committed to mastering the digital world, enhancing our uniquely human capabilities, will open new career opportunities, increase earnings, and provide financial security. By mastering our digital world, we gain more control over our time — time and financial resources that we can be invested into our health and wellness. This creates a virtuous cycle, granting us more time, an extended workspan, and greater control over our lives.

A process framework and mindset that makes possible fulfillment of our highest potential as we age, leading to a future with uncommon wellness, vitality, extended healthspan and perhaps lifespan.

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Crowd Scale Catalyst
Crowd Scale Catalyst
In the wake of the pandemic, we reveal a $3.28 trillion heist: $20,523 from each, a $6,231 annual greedflation fee imposed on consumers into perpetuity if we let them. We are a substack community dedicated to fighting for pandemic financial justice and working to dismantle the myriad of exploitative business schemes that frustrate our daily lives.
I ask the question: is it possible for a collective of consumers to unite, drive systemic change, rectify the injustices of pandemic profiteering, secure financial reparations, rollback prices, put the proceeds of the excessive interest rate hikes back into our retirements accounts, and restore balance between corporate interests and consumer power?
Wealth transfer improperly amassed during and after the global pandemic crisis, demands our unified efforts to ensure it is not permanently retained.
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